Not many know that plump beauty Parineeti Chopra is an immediate cousin of Bollywood’s hot seductress Priyanka Chopra. And then comes Meera Chopra(Bangaram fame) and Barbie Handa who are also distant cousins of this bold beauty. All these beauties are not leaving their sister’s star-image to make the best out in tinsel towns as they too want to become top heroines.

We have already seen Parineeti proving her mettle with her very first flick “Ishaq Jaade”,while Meera Chopra has vanished long back. However Barbie Handa who debuted with Telugu film “Prema Geema Jaantha Nai” has now rechristened herself as Manaara and is debuting in b-town.

This trained Kathak dancer has done handful of TV commercial before dreaming big for a silver screen jig. And now for her debut Bollywood flick ‘Zid’, Manaara alias Barbie Handa went topless. Giving a nice pic of her toned torso, she makes sure that the seduction factor laid by her sister Priyanka is intact for glamour lovers. 

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