Mega Power star Ram Charan who graced Sai Dharam Tej-starrer Pilla Nuvvu Leni Jeevitham audio launch, tried to brush off the plea of few fans who have been shouting slogans for their beloved star Pawan Kalyan. When a section of audiences tried to disrupt the speeches of Naga Babu, Allu Arjun and Ram Charan by screaming “Power Star”, “Power Star” as the star Pawan Kalyan’s absence was conspicuous, Charan stepped into clarify and set the record straight.
“Do you often display or tell your love for your mother out in open? Will it be known only if you say publicly?” questioned Ram Charan to the fans adding, “Same is the case with our family. We don’t need to showcase our love for Power Star publicly and there is no need to talk about it specially. Like fans, we do have same enthusiasm and love for Power Star.”
Charan further added, “If I’m given chance, even I’d love to shout Power Star. I don’t think it’s need to talk about our love for him every time.”
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