Rocking Star Manchu Manoj’s Current Theega movie has a Grand release today, Just with the Cause of Sunny leone’s Presence, This movie was released in 26 Countries around the World. This is the first ever Telugu Film to Release in 26 Countires that too with a Low Budget.  check out list below…

  1. India

  2. USA

  3. UK

  4. Australia

  5. Malaysia

  6. Sharjah

  7. Dubai

  8. Abu Dhabi

  9. Ras Al-Khaimah

  10. Fuairah

  11. Umm Al-Khaimah

  12. Kuwait

  13. Qatar

  14. Bahrain

  15. Oman

  16. South Africa

  17. Tanzania

  18. Canada

  19. Uganda

  20. Nigeria

  21. Zambia

  22. Singapore

  23. Germany

  24. Switzerland

  25. Thailand

  26. Srilanka.

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